




Trinidad State's 通往学士学位课程的桥梁 ensures first-time students are guaranteed admission to a participating four-year college or university upon completion 副学士学位.

| 信息小册子 (English) | Folleto informativo (Español) |

Trinidad State students who participate in the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program 将有权访问:

  • Personalized student advising and guidance to ensure credits and administrative supports 是否可以很容易地转到理想的四年制课程.
  • Scholarship opportunities to make degrees from a four-year institution more attainable and affordable.
  • A no-hassle transfer process between participating two-year and four-year programs, 确保平稳过渡.


The Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program is made possible through collaborative agreements 在CCCS和科罗拉多四年制大学之间. 多亏了这些创意 partnerships, more Colorado students will be able to attend college and complete their 四年制本科.
Click on the college logos below to learn more and for Bridge to Bachelors Advisors og体育,回答您的问题.

亚当斯州立学院校徽 科罗拉多州立大学
科罗拉多大学博尔德分校转移标志图像 UCCS转移标志图像
UNC转移标志图像 Western logo
路易斯堡学院校徽 Mesa logo
里吉斯学院标志 CU Denver
大都会州立大学 罪案组普韦布洛标志
WGU Transfer标志图像  

How to Apply

  1. Indicate that you want to participate in the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program when 填写你的 特立尼达国家申请.
  2. 和你的同事一起复习。 大学的导师 确保你想要的学位和项目符合要求.


  1. You can still apply by contacting 你的社区大学顾问 and expressing interest 报名参加学士学位衔接课程.


  • Opt-in the program at the start of your Associate degree program at Trinidad State, 或者在第一学期之内
  • Maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA
  • 完成任何文学副学士(AA)或科学副学士(AS)学位
  • That’s it!


Our mission is to enrich the lives of our diverse communities by providing quality 教育体验,促进终身学习.

  • 谁可以加入这个项目?
    The Bridge to Bachelor’s Program is designed to start with the end in mind – achieving a Bachelor’s degree by completing an Associate degree at Trinidad State before transferring 去大学. 该程序的结构允许两种直觉一起工作 in order to maximize support to students through completion, without having to re-take 学分,拿额外的学分,或者拿额外的债务. 如果学生被确认 later who would be a good match for the program, they can be added later, but would 需要得到og体育和大学的批准. 
  • 为什么通往学士学位课程的桥梁只面向“第一次入学的新学生”??
    The Bridge 到学士学位课程 is perfect for students who want or plan to 即使以前被拒绝入学,也要去上大学. CCCS学院接受 anyone who applies and all new, first-time students may sign up for this program, 是什么保证他们被参与的大学录取. 
  • Are there any requirements, like testing or GPA, needed to join the program?
    谢天谢地,答案是“不”。. 不需要考试和高中成绩点 average (GPA) does not affect a student’s ability to participate in the Bridge to 学士学位课程. CCCS学院接受任何申请的人,所有新的,第一次 students may sign up for this program, which guarantees them admission to a participating university. 
  • 我如何报名参加这个项目?
    When 填写你的 application to Trinidad State, you will be prompted to participate 学士学位衔接课程. 选择你感兴趣的,然后 select your top two university choices to transfer to upon completion of your Associate degree. If selections are not made, don’t worry, you will still be signed up for the program and you’ll be able to choose your university later on with the help of your 特立尼达国家顾问. 
  • What if I already applied to Trinidad State but didn’t sign up and want to participate 学士学位衔接课程?
     If you are still in your first semester, you can sign up for the Bridge to Bachelor’s 通过登录你的特立尼达国家门户网站学位课程. 在“学生”选项卡中,单击 在通往学士学位的桥梁图标上注册. 你也可以通过联系报名 你的社区大学顾问. 
  • 我已经完成了我的第一学期,我该如何报名参加这个项目?
    The Bridge 到学士学位课程 is only open to new, first-time students in 他们的第一学期. 但是,在特殊情况下,学生可以注册等待批准 from their 特立尼达国家顾问 and the advisor at the student’s desired university. Interested students should contact their 特立尼达国家顾问 for options. In addition to Bridge 到学士学位课程, there are many great transfer opportunities including college-specific agreements with local universities, dual admissions programs, and statewide transfer agreements that also guarantee admission to a university at 初级层次. 有关转学选项的完整列表,学生应联系他们的 特立尼达国家顾问. 
  • 我报名参加了这个项目,接下来会发生什么?
    Your 特立尼达国家顾问 and the transfer advisor at your choice university will begin working with you to ensure you are on the right track to successfully complete 获得副学士学位,然后顺利转入大学.
  • Does the Bridge 到学士学位课程 guarantee I will get into my first or 第二大学选择?
    The Bridge 到学士学位课程 streamlines your transition to a participating university. 完成你的副学士学位后,你就可以保证被录取 致你选择的大学. 为了让你的过渡尽可能顺利,你的特立尼达 State advisor will help you understand your options, program requirements and keep 你和你选择的大学的转学顾问取得了联系. 
  • Do I need to pick a specific major or program in order to participate in the Bridge 到学士学位课程?
    Any Associate of Art (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree program is eligible. 
  • 我可以转到我选择的大学的任何专业/项目吗?
     For up-to-date information on specific programs and pathway options being offered, 请访问我们的合作大学网站. 
  • 如果我想改变我的大学选择呢?
    Once you start classes at Trinidad State, your advisor and university advisor will 开始幕后工作来支持你的学术之旅. 如果你想改变 your first and/or second university option, please contact your 特立尼达国家顾问. 
  • How does my university advisor know I am 学士学位衔接课程?
    Participating universities will automatically receive information about students who 报名参加学士学位衔接课程. 你选择的大学会 continue to receive your academic information from Trinidad State throughout the school year. Students will also receive communications from their choice university to increase 支持结构,确保平稳过渡和转移. 
  • What if I no longer want to participate 学士学位衔接课程?
    如果你改变主意了,欢迎你继续留在这个项目. If you 不再想参加,请联系您的特立尼达国家顾问. 
  • 转学的条件是什么?
    Students who successfully 报名参加学士学位衔接课程 will need to meet the following requirements in order to transfer to their choice university:
    • Maintain a 2.最低平均绩点(GPA).
    • Complete an Associate of Art (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree from Trinidad State. 
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