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RN-BSN Nursing banner 9mage

Trinidad Campus & Valley Campus
og体育的注册护士到BSN项目将教育学生护理角色 与护理学士学位毕业生有关,包括:专业成员; provider of Patient-Centered Care; Patient Safety Advocacy; and member of the health care team.

CCNE logoog体育首存活动的护理学士学位课程获得认证 by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (

Trinidad State offers an online RN-BSN program. Students in this program will be assigned a nursing coach to help stay on track in the program. The Leadership course has 22.5 hours of practicum and the community health has 45 hours of practicum. All practicum can be completed in the area the student lives!

  • Personal nursing coach to guide you through the program
  • Ability to complete the practicum where you live
  • Affordable
  • Various BSN Electives
  • Out-of-State tuition same as In-state for the NUR 300 and 400 courses

护理课程的使命是拥抱多样性,提供高质量, 方便,丰富的教育经验,让学生继续终身 学习利用循证实践在护理专业.

护理学院赞同哲学、愿景和使命宣言 此外,大学还认同以下og体育人与健康的信念, 护理,护理过程,教育,教育者,以及教/学 process in nursing:

Self-Directed Learning
护理课程的哲学陈述了教学和学习的信念 of nursing is both an individual and community enterprise. The teaching-learning process requires an individual to be self-directive and an active participant. A self-directed 学习者可以被定义为确定自己的学习目标和计划的人 他们自己的学习经验和评估自己的进步走向成就 of their goals. The Nursing Program faculty members act as consultants, resource or reference persons, and teachers or students. This philosophy allows the student some 在教与学的过程中自由和灵活地协助学生 reaching their highest potential. It benefits a student in preparing or a role in nursing for future years regardless of what that role may be.

TS的RN-BSN专为从副学士学位或硕士学位毕业的学生设计 有护理文凭课程,并希望获得护理学学士学位. 学生在入学前必须持有美国注册护士执照 of NUR 409. 此外,og体育公共纪律学生的录取决定 将由学院委员会在注册BSN项目之前决定 and BSN clinical courses. Acceptance will be on a case by case bases. Students may 如果有足够的入学人数,在秋季,春季或夏季学期开始RN-BSN课程. 学生可以选择全日制或兼职完成课程(第一批) will have to be in the program for 1.5 years to allow for the full accreditation cycle to be completed).

For admission into the program, please do the following:

  1. Apply to Trinidad State at: (no cost)
        a. 一份清单将立即通过电子邮件发送给学生,其中包括:
            i. 发送地区认可的副学士或文凭学位证明 school.
            ii. Send verification of a United States unencumbered RN license.
            iii. Out-of-state students should be aware of restrictions that may exist for TS to provide education to them. In addition, TS must be authorized by the State 在学生所在州的护理委员会提供指导. 外州学生也应该熟悉TS的学费率 their residency. For more information please contact us, visit, and contact your State Board of Nursing.
            iv. 这取决于学生参加的实习地点,证明 到目前为止,免疫接种,最近的背景调查,和/或药物筛选可能是 required.
            v. Additional information:
                1. Up to 89.5 credits will be transferred in towards the BSN. Transfer credits must be equivalent to courses within the TS BSN Plan of Study.
                2. A transfer grade has to be a “C” or higher to transfer into TS.
                3. 学生可以在BSN课程中完成非护理课程. Statistics must be completed prior to the NUR 303 course. Non-nursing courses include NUR前缀以外的课程,如通识课程和选修课程. These non-nursing 课程可以在地区认可的机构同时完成并转学 into TS.
                4. At least 30.5 credits of the BSN must be earned at TS.

og体育的RN-BSN专为从副学士毕业的学生设计 学位或文凭护理课程,并希望获得理学学士学位 Nursing. 学生必须持有当前未受限制的注册护士执照,没有公共纪律 prior to enrollment. Students may begin RN-BSN courses in Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters if there is sufficient enrollment. Students can choose between full-time 或兼职完成选项(第一批学生必须在项目中完成 1.5 years to allow for the full accreditation cycle to be completed).

For admission into the program, please do the following:

  1. Apply to Trinidad State at APPLY NOW (no cost)
  2. Apply to TS BSN Program (no cost)
        a. A checklist will be emailed to the student immediately with directions
            i. 申请TS BSN课程的申请人必须成功完成他们的 first semester of their Associate or Diploma Nursing program.
            ii. 申请人必须是美国持牌注册护士 在注册NUR 409,410和/或NUR之前,与护理委员会取得联系 411.
            iii. 这取决于学生参加的实习地点,证明 到目前为止,免疫接种,最近的背景调查,和/或药物筛选可能是 required.
            iv. 外州学生应该意识到可能存在的限制 TS to provide education to them. In addition, TS must be authorized by the State Board 在学生居住的国家进行护理学培训,以便提供指导. Out-of-state 学生也应该熟悉TS的住院学费. For more information please contact us, visit, and contact your State Board of Nursing.
            v. Additional information:
                1. Up to 89.5 credits will be transferred in towards the BSN. Transfer credits must be equivalent to courses within the TS BSN Plan of Study.
                2. A transfer grade has to be a “C” or higher to transfer into TS.
                3. 学生可以在BSN课程中完成非护理课程. Statistics must be completed prior to the NUR 303 course. Non-nursing courses include NUR前缀以外的课程,如通识课程和选修课程. These non-nursing 课程可以在地区认可的机构同时完成并转学 into TS.
                4. At least 30.5 credits of the BSN must be earned at TS.

og体育的注册护士到BSN项目将教育学生护理角色 与护理学士学位毕业生有关,包括:专业成员; provider of Patient-Centered Care; Patient Safety Advocacy; and member of the health care team. The students will demonstrate responsibility for continued competence. 他们将通过领导活动促进专业护理的实践 and advocacy. The students will provide safe and compassionate care, plans of care, 并通过许多医疗保健机构向家庭、人群和社区提供教学计划 services. 学生将使用系统的解决问题的过程中照顾 他们以病人和家属为基础,以文科、科学和证据为基础 practice outcomes and research studies.

The five program student learning outcomes are:
  1. Quality care
    应用研究促进最佳做法,并利用数据监测护理结果 过程同时使用改进方法来设计和测试变化以持续进行 改善卫生保健系统的质量和安全,并向 individuals, and diverse populations.
  2. Professionalism
    表现出对专业的承诺,包括卓越,关怀, legal and ethical practice, civility, and accountability.
  3. Communication
    与同事/跨学科人员进行有效的沟通和合作 促进健康、安全和福祉的团体和社区成员.
  4. Leadership
    运用领导原则,以及质量改进和组织的知识 设计、管理和协调安全、质量和成本效益的系统 patient-centered care.
  5. Critical thinking/Practicum reasoning
    利用一个系统的过程,关键的调查使用护理,自然和行为 科学,人文和艺术做出基于证据的实践决策,提高 the nursing care of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

ENG 121 English Composition 3  
ENG 122 English Composition II 3  
PSY 235 Growth & Development 3  
BIO 201 Anatomy & Physiology I 4  
BIO 202 Anatomy & Physiology II 4  
HWE 100 Nutrition 3  
BIO 216 Pathophysiology 4  
SOC 101 General Sociology 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4
GT-SS1, 2 or 3 (3 credits)
PSY 101 General Psychology 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4
GT-SS1, 2 or 3 (3 credits)
MAT 135 Statistics 3  
HIS 101 Western Civ: Antiquity 3 HI-1
ART 110 Art Appreciation 3 GT-AH1, 2, 3 or 4 (3 credits)
  Electives (higher sciences preferred) 8 However, can be GT or CTE classes.
  Total of General Education Courses 47  
NUR 109 Fundamentals of Nursing 6  
NUR 112 Basic Pharmacology 2  
NUR 106 Medical/Surgical Nursing Concepts 7  
NUR 150 Care of Obstetric & Pediatric Clients 6  
NUR 206 Adv. Concepts of Surgical Nursing I 6.5  
NUR 212 Pharmacology II 2  
NUR 211 Nursing Care of Psychiatric Clients 4  
NUR 216 Adv. Concepts of Surgical Nursing II 5  
NUR 230 Leadership, Management & Trends 4 42.5 credits from Associate of Nursing
750 practicum hours included.
NUR 301 Integration to BSN 3  
NUR 302 Trends in Nursing Practice 3  
NUR 303 Research/Evidence Based Practice 3  
NUR 304 Informatics 3 304-307 Must pick 2**
NUR 305 Emergency Preparedness 3 **
NUR 306 Gerontology   3**
NUR 307 Behavioral   3**
NUR 408 Legal/ethical 3  
NUR 409 Leadership in Nursing Practice 3.5 22.5 hour practicum/practicum included.
NUR 410 Community Health 6 45 hour practicum/practicum included
NUR 411 Seminar 3  
Total   120